Daily Activity

Selasa, 25 September 2018

Utensil & equipments

Rolling Pin

A rolling pin is a cylindrical food preparation utensil used to shape and flatten dough.
*Types Of Rolling Pin :
  1. Rod: Thin rods typically made of wood around 2–3 cm in diameter. They are used by rolling the rod across the dough using one's palm.
  2. Roller: Consists of a thick heavy roller made of a variety of materials around 7–10 cm in diameter with thinner handles which extend through the roller.
  3. Textured: Some specialized rolling pins have textured surfaces that mark and indents the dough surfaces for special breads and pancakes.

     Rolling pins is a variety of sizes, shapes and materials including glass, ceramic, acrylic, bakelite, copper, brass, aluminium, silicone, wood, stainless steel, marble, and plastic. Some are hollow and are able to be filled with cold or warm water to better roll a desired food. Marble rolling pins are often cooled in a refrigerator for maintaining a cold dough while making puff pastry.
Dought scrapers

A scraper is a kitchen implement made of metal plastics (such as polyethylene, nylon, or polypropylene) woodrubber or silicone rubber. Dough scrapers, or pastry scrapers, are more rigid implements, often made of a metal rectangle with a wooden, plastic, or metal handle running along one long edge not only for more comfortable grip, but also to add rigidity. This is used to manipulate raw dough, by scraping it from a surface on which it has been rolled, as well as to slice it.


A grater (also known as a shredder) is a kitchen utensil used to grate foods into fine pieces. It was invented by François Boullier in the 1540s.
Several types of graters feature different sizes of grating slots, and can therefore aid in the preparation of a variety of foods. They are commonly used to grate cheese and lemon or orange peel (to create zest), and can also be used to grate other soft foods. They are commonly used in the preparation of toasted cheese, Welsh rarebit, and dishes which contain cheese sauce such as macaroni and cheese, cauliflower cheese.

Utensil & Equipments

Food Tong

There are many forms of tongs adapted to their specific use. Some are merely large pincers or nippers, but most fall into these few classes:
  1. Tongs that have long arms terminating in small flat circular ends of tongs and are pivoted at a joint close to the handle used to handle delicate objects. Common fire-tongs, used for picking up pieces of coal and placing them on a fire without burning fingers or getting them dirty are of this type. Tongs for grilling, tongs for serving salad or spaghetti are kitchen utensil of the same type. They provide a way to move, rotate and turn the food with delicate precision, or fetch a full serving in one grab.
  2. Tongs consisting of a single band of metal bent round one or two bands joined at the head by a spring, as in sugar-tongs (a pair of usually silver tongs with claw-shaped or spoon-shaped ends for serving lump sugar), asparagus-tongs and the like.
    Tongs in which the pivot or joint is placed close to the gripping ends are used to handle hard and heavy objects. driller's round tongs, blacksmith's tongs or crucible tongs are of this type.

Cutting Board

A cutting board is a durable board on which to place material for cutting. The kitchen cutting board is commonly used in preparing food. other types exist for cutting raw materials such as leather or plastic.
Kitchen cutting boards are often made of wood or plastic and come in various widths and sizes. There are also cutting boards made of glass, steel, or marble, which are easier to clean than wooden or plastic ones such as nylon or corian, but tend to damage knives due to their hardness. Rough cutting edges such as serrated knives abrade and damage a cutting surface more rapidly than do smooth cutting implements.
Regardless of the material, regular maintenance of a cutting board is important. A very diluted bleach solution is best for disinfecting cutting boards.
To remove odors, the board can be rinsed and then rubbed with coarse salt and left to stand for several minutes before being wiped and rinsed clean. In a wooden board, this procedure will also smooth out minor imperfections on the surface.

Ballon whisk


A whisk is a cooking utensil which can be used to blend ingredients smooth or to incorporate air into a mixture, in a process known as whisking or whipping. The wires are usually metal, but some are plastic for use with nonstick cookware. Whisks are also made from bamboo.

Whisks are commonly used to whip egg whites into a firm foam to make meringue, or to whip cream into whipped cream. Whisks have differently-shaped loops depending on their intended functions.

Utensil & equipments

An apple corer is a device for removing the core and pips from an apple. It may also be used for a pear, quince, or similar fruits.

Hasil gambar untuk apple corer
Some apple corers consist of a handle with a circular cutting device at the end. When pushed through the apple, it removes the core, to the diameter of the circular cutting device. The core can then be removed from the apple corer.
Another type of apple corer can be placed on top of the apple and pushed through. This both cores and slices the apple. This is also often called apple cutter.
An apple corer is often used when many apples need to be cored, from making an apple pie to brewing cider. In the United Kingdom, several brands have also released their own brand of Apple Corers, for example, Marks & Spencers Apple Corer, CoreStuff the Apple Corer and John Lewis Apple Corer

Hasil gambar untuk bottle opener
A bottle opener is a device that enables the removal of metal bottle caps from bottles. More generally, it might be thought to include corkscrews used to remove cork or plastic stoppers from wine bottles.
A metal bottle cap is affixed to the rim of the neck of a bottle by being pleated or ruffled around the rim. A bottle opener is a specialized lever inserted beneath the pleated metalwork, which uses a point on the bottle cap as a fulcrum on which to pivot.

Hasil gambar untuk colander

A colander (or cullender) is a bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food such as pasta or rice. A colander is also used to rinse vegetables. The perforated nature of the colander allows liquid to drain through while retaining the solids inside. It is sometimes also called a pasta strainer or kitchen sieve.

Conventionally, colanders are made of a light metal, such as aluminium or thinly rolled stainless steel. Colanders are also made of plastic, silicone, ceramic, and enamelware.

Daily Activity(English version)

Bismillah. Thursday, where today our agenda is to do morning tea at the Makassar East Tribune Office. The activity begins with preparing all the dishes that we have prepared the previous day and also continued at dawn on Thursday. Which we then delivered to the East Tribun office to be set up beautifully so that all employees could enjoy the dishes we prepared.

Quite proud It feels when I can see these employees enjoying our dishes very satisfied with the taste and appearance of the dishes that we made. In addition we also got a valuable experience where previously the groups that had done the morning tea only did it on campus but for this time we did it outside the campus in the Makassar East Tribune office.

In addition, this morning tea was also attended by employees from the Makassar Poltekpar campus who also took part in gathering at the Tribun Timur office as the Makassar Poltekpar campus work partner. As for the matters discussed, namely in the form of the agendas to be carried out during the 27th anniversary of the Anniversary of Makassar Poltekpar.

Until everything is finished we also clear up and return to campus to continue with other activities.

Daily Activity(Indonesian version)

Bismillah. Kamis, di mana hari ini merupakan agenda kami melakukan morning Tea yang bertempat di Kantor Tribun Timur Makassar. Kegiatan diawali dengan mempersiapkan semua hidangan hidangan yang telah kami siapkan di hari sebelumnya dan juga dilanjutkan di Kamis pagi. Yang selanjutnya kami antarkan ke kantor Tribun Timur untuk di tata dengan indah agar semua karyawan bisa menikmati hidangan yang kami siapkan tersebut.

Cukup bangga Rasanya ketika bisa melihat karyawan-karyawan tersebut menikmati hidangan kami dengan sangat puas akan rasa maupun penampilan dari hidangan-hidangan yang kami buat tersebut Selain itu kami juga mendapatkan satu pengalaman yang berharga di mana sebelumnya kelompok-kelompok yang telah melakukan morning tea hanya melakukannya di dalam kampus namun untuk kali ini kami melakukannya di luar kampus yaitu di kantor Tribun Timur Makassar.

Selain itu morning tea kali ini juga dihadiri oleh karyawan-karyawan dari kampus poltekpar Makassar yang juga ikut melakukan silaturahmi di kantor Tribun Timur sebagai mitra kerja kampus poltekpar Makassar. adapun hal-hal yang dibahas yaitu berupa agenda-agenda yang akan dilakukan selama perayaan diesnatalis poltekpar Makassar yang ke 27.

Hingga semuanya selesai kami pun melakukan clear up dan kembali ke kampus untuk melanjutkan kegiatan lainnya.


Daily Activity(English version)

Bismillah. Wednesday, the activities that I do are making several types of dishes that we will present tomorrow as a menu for morning tea.

We regularly do this morning tea activity every Thursday on the practice day, the goal is to introduce to all employees and people involved in the morning tea that we have good products to display and also as a venue for us to further sharpen our skills and knowledge we are in the field of pastry and Bakery.

The types of dishes that we make for morning in the next day are some types of traditional cakes and cake or bread cakes from outside countries. Examples are Javanese dumplings, croisants, milefuille, and also some other types of bread. Of course in the process we previously divided the division of tasks to further accelerate our work. Which is where we share it according to our respective skills.
I got a chance to make a chinnamon roll. However, the results of my Chinnamon roll were not good enough, so I made it again. The second experiment also failed, probably because of a lack of taste in working on the product. Until finally, the Chinnamon roll was not issued for tomorrow.

Daily activity(Indonesian version)

Bismillah. Rabu, kegiatan yang saya lakukan pada hari ini yaitu membuat beberapa jenis hidangan yang akan kami presentasikan esok hari sebagai menu untuk morning tea.

Kegiatan morning tea ini rutin kami lakukan setiap hari Kamis di hari praktek bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kepada semua karyawan maupun orang-orang yang terlibat di morning tea tersebut , bahwa kami memiliki produk yang baik untuk ditampilkan dan juga sebagai ajang untuk kami mengasah lebih jauh skill maupun pengetahuan kami di bidang pastry and Bakery.

Adapun jenis  hidangan-hidangan yang kami buat untuk morning di esok hari yaitu beberapa jenis kue tradisional maupun kue kue atau roti dari negara luar Contohnya yaitu onde-onde Jawa, croisant, milefuille, dan juga beberapa jenis roti lainnya. Tentunya dalam pengerjaannya kami sebelumnya melakukan pembagian pembagian tugas untuk lebih mempercepat pekerjaan kami . Yang di mana kami membaginya sesuai dengan skill kami masing-masing.
Saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk membuat chinnamon roll. Namun, hasil dari chinnamon roll ku kurang baik, sehingga saya membuat ulang lagi. Percobaan  kedua juga gagal, mungkin karena kurangnya rasa dalam mengerjakan produk tersebut. Hingga pada akhirnya, chinnamon roll tidak dikeluarkan untuk esok hari.


Final test